Thursday, May 9, 2013

New me, New blog and design:)

Its been a rather long time since my last update, I am in a more positive space now as I was previously. I want to update not only this 3 year old look and design of my Blog but also what I write about. Not sure when my last update was but I am sure it was before I got married and then gave birth to my amazing now 9 month old daughter Isabella, but do not worry as I will make sure you are up to date on everything in the Blogs to follow:) So much has changed in the past 3.5 years since I started blogging.I actually started as I wanted a way of releasing what was laying deep within me and my clouded mind. But as things are a lot more clear now I can write about more positive things. I will try update daily now with short blogs with one or two photo's. Time, Time heals all and reveals all. As times have changed as well as the circumstances in my life it will continue to do so, But I do intend on missing any moment of it as I share it all right here. I am positive, I am excited now..Excited to start writing again, excited to start sharing with you again, excited for the future and all the happiness it holds in store. My God is GREAT and almighty and I am blessed as a Child of our Lord Jesus

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