Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Taking the time to remind those that they too are loved

We get so caught up in our everyday life. We get home and turn the Television or the Radio on, and barely speak a breath a word to the people we may live with, Our families or even our partners.
We distance ourselves from those who truly mean something to us &, who truly care as we think that they do understand just how our day went or the stresses we have been through during the course of our day never reminding ourselves that they too in fact have been through it too during the course of their own day, never remembering that they may need to talk about it instead we become self-centred and focus only on ourselves.
It is so sad really that we lose all communication with those who we love, we end up pushing them further and further away from us never remembering that they care enough to listen, that even just sitting there hearing one another complain our the day we had and even talking about the good things enable us to let a lot off our hearts, enables us to laugh about it all and most importantly just spend that time with that special person and just remind them that they too have something to smile about and have person who listens to them whether it may be good or bad.
Take the time in your evenings, In your morning or whenever you may have a free moment and sent a short email, short text msg or even a quick call to tell that special someone that they are loved and wanted in more ways than one everyday forever more.

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