Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We are not all perfect-But in the eyes of loved ones we are:)

Ok, so we were the perfect creations made by God in His image, Or are we still the perfect creations? In image yes,But unfortunately there are many flaws within ourselves,& in our personalities....

I have lived my life by ways that are not always seen as right,I made decisions that I am not very proud of. I claim to be a christian, a follower of God but how is this true when I have strayed so far from him and the life he wanted for me.I never followed his 10 Commandments, I followed the way of the world.

I have stolen, I have lied, I have cheated and I have done so much more bad than what I would like to admit to. Although How am I to move forward if I am not able to admit this terrible truth to myself, and who could love a person like me who has done this much wrong not just once but time and time again.

I have hurt so many people,they gave me their trust, thier love, their devotion and I took full advantage of this and yet somehow even with all my flaws these people still love me,and have still gievn me another opportunity to change and be a better person? Well at least I havent killed a person but doing what I have done killed many souls in some way or another by my flaws within and my decision making to do wrong and not what God wanted.

I cannot turn back the hands of time, and I do not wish to either as much as I regret some things I have still learnt from them and Now everyday I work to be a better person. It has not been easy but I am happy today that I am TRYING, not just for one day but everyday that I will wake up for the rest of my life I am going to have to try.I made a promise to God as well as to myself and those people who I ahve hurt have given me another opportunity..I cannot go back on my word now,I cannot turn back when I have come this far:)

There is always a reason why a person such as myself finds reasons to lie, why we will steal, why we will cheat,why we will kill..You cannot just blame your parents for thier bad parenting skills as you were the rebellious child who gave them such up hill to be apart of that bad group of friends at school who got you have your first taste of brandy with the first light of that ciggerette to go accompany that glass of brandy,to be aprt of that group who lead you to think that sex before marriage was cool and did not remind you that its the greatest gift you could give your husband or wife one day, the same group of people who kept you out all night while your parents were at home worrying about you....No this was not your parents fault for not having been more strict on you growing up, its not this bad group of friends who you DECIDED to associate with fault for you having made these mistakes but this was by YOUR VERY OWN DECISIONS,BY YOUR OWN DESIRE to not do what you knew was right it was YOUR OWN FREE WILL.

So many people of all societies always have smething or someone to blame for the way thier lives work out. Yes there are both Television & Film Productions,Games & Music that have a huge influence over out Lives But tuth is God left us with the Bible,an understanding of what our folks teach us to know right from wrong.He gave us FREE WILL to decide if we will watch those Television & Film productions that promote sex with whoever,free will to decide if we want to go to that party & drink Brandy with a ciggerette, free will to decide if we will play a game that promotes killing and stealing-Thats it people its our own free will, our own lives, our own minds, our own strengths overs weakness or weakness over strength. You can be that better person, you can have that better life..you can be who you want to be but before you go out and take that first wrong step think about your loved ones, your future and everything that would be at stake.For every Action there will always be a reaction, and remembr that free will is yours but everything is at a cost good or bad but good always out ways the bad:)

Thank you to all thos people who have stood by me even after everything I have Put you through, for having been like God and having forgiven me.It was your love and Gods that saved me.