Thursday, July 29, 2010

A new family Addition Rover the Jack Russell AKA THE CUTE KID!

Ok so getting a pet is like adopting a kid.
Its poops & you clean it up,
It pukes & u clean it up,
They play on your emotions and you feel sorry and give them whatever they may want,
you pay for the food and they gobble it all up,
you forget what a sound nights sleep is like as you worry about squishing the poor thing to death when they sleep between you and your partner.. Gosh! I dont think we knew what were in for!?

Fortuni and I spent a good 6 Months debating whether we ought to get a puppy or if we should not? Can we afford this or can we not? Should we get two or only one pet? What breed are we to decide on and AGREE on? What is their nature? Will that specific breed be easy to train or not? Will we be able to find a house or complex which permits animals?

Well we eventually agreed on the Jack Russell, why? well cause it seems not only animals and babies play on emotions, men do too :)so we agreed on that specific breed of Dog.
We had visited a few pet shops, And like a woman I also tried to play the emotional game with Fortuni. I would give him the sad puppy face when I saw a dog I wanted but somehow it just did not work and we would leave with no cute doggy in the window..

But one Sunday morning while visiting my mother inlaw we went to the mall, we were told the previous day by Fortunis sister that there were a few breeds there. Now its month end and we had a lot to pay this month and of course we had like so may other times agreed on a budget for the next month. In the back round I could hear all the little barks and cries for someone, anyone to pick one and take one of them cute little doggies home, and with a fast paced walk I marched to the Pet Shop with such high hopes in my heart already, SCREW THE MONTHLY BUDGET,SCREW WHAT WE AGREED ON IM NOT LEAVING HERE TODAY WITHOUT MY DOGGIE!

It was him, I knew it was him I wanted . The small Jack Russell all alone in one little cage, he was so small that he was able to fit in the palm of my hand. He looked at me with such fire, strength and courage as well as the little puppy look that played on my heart & said TAKE ME HOME,TAKE ME,YES ME! Before Fortuni had even reached the pet shop I was already holding this small bundle of energy in my hand, he started to crawl up my neck and kiss me every where...oh ho my heart started to pound with excitement and happiness ,there was no way he would go home to anyone else but with me and everything he wanted would be his!

By the time Fortuni had eventually found me I was already starting with my puppy begging look and emotional mind control trick :) I said, But please Babe he is only R350.00, he is all by himself in this cage, he is small he wont get in you way and he is a Jack Russell just like you wanted...Here babe, just hold him, look how much Energy he has-aaah Babe he is perfect & I want him, we are not leaving here until I know he is coming ho9me with me...oops I mean us;)

But little did I know I was not the only one with high hopes that day, I was not the only one who had my eye and heart set a bundle of happiness to take home....Why is he looking at me that way? Why wont he budge? What do I say next to land this sale I though to myself..

No! I dont like him! He looks like a Rat! what! How could he possibly say this about this new little man in my life who had captured my heart? Did he not hear the good sale pitch I had made earlier? Well we are taking him, and you are not going to say no to me okay, I said aloud to him.
You will listen to me and do as I say as I have already agreed to the breed of Dog you wanted and he is only R350.00 and that will fit in with the money budget for the month(Dam I hope Im getting through to him) But aaaah no, truth was he was still staring at me with that blank look on his face like not one word I just said was registered. Babe put that Rat back in its cage, we not getting him!! I have found a pure Jack Russell, a healthier and bigger Jack Russell with muscle in his legs, come on babe look how cute he is-But all is saw was this lifeless, gay male dog who was been humped by some other dog in his cage!

Babe, he is just sitting there been humped and he wont defend himself, he is gay, a faggot! but babe look at him, he is so cute...come on just hold him for a bit.No!I dont like him and I dont want him,I want my small puppy who is all on his own and who has more fire in him! But babe I wanna breed with pure jack Russells and healthy Jack Russells not that Rat-OOOOH ! And you think that you going to breed dogs with a male who only like males humping him-No!

The lady who was also admiring the animals told fortuni to always listen to the female as we never lose the fight, so he might as well give up his fight now-I grinned with such a sarcastic, cheecky, naughty smile like a kid who just played mom up against dad :)
well this went on for two hours, I was eventually crying, begging and pleading that we get both then. Then I told him his Dog was R750.00 and it was not in our budget so we could not get him and the R350.00 Rat will be the best choice for oblivious reasons, Dah!

After man hours of all that we left with only his Gay, Faggot dog!
I didn’t want to admit it to Fortuni that I liked the fag that was actually so dam cute, cause then male ego would build up and he would win the next battle again-which there was not way in hell he was going to, next time he is my bitch and Ill be the dominant one humping him! ha!
We sat in the car, and he immediately fell asleep in my lap, truth is I had forgotten about the small puppy who was full of life as I watched him dream while my heart had been stolen. Fortuni knew my heart was taken by the way I looked at this gay doggi, but it was ok if he was gay cause then I could dress Him up ;) and he would love me more than his dad! But still Fortuni smiled with a look of pride after getting his way-who cared! Not me, my focus was on m new found love, our Rover :)

Truth is, he is hard work. He sleeps in our bed, keeps us up all night, and we wake up to stepping in poo. But hey its ok cause this is what we wanted for so long and he has brought so much happiness to our home just like a Baby would-Our Baby Rover :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Finding Mr Right

There is no better feeling in the world than knowing the person you love loves you just as much....

I am the kind of girl who is inlove with love, the kind of girl who dreams of finding "Mr Right" and having the happily ever after.... Im the girl who watches movies like "A Walk To Remember" and I cry my eyes out and wish to be romantically swept off my feet as prince charming had done in all my very fav FAIRYTALES....

I had officially had enough, enough of men lying to me, minipulating me to beleive just what they wanted me to until they got what they wanted and I would never hear from them again...
Truth is after all that my heart was broken,and I had nothing more left inside of me to give,not that I even wanted to give anything more than what I had after all that. I had decided to just forget the my fairytale happily ever after and be the girl who now played the game better than any male could...they all were at my disposal as I wished when I wished..

It gave me a rush, a sense of power every time they came running back like little puppies begging for more. Now there was no way that I would cry over a man again,I would never have to run after a man again. There were never nights that I felt lonely, never a night that I went out and had to pay for my drinks, never a night when I had to find my own way home....they were my puppets and I was their puppetier.
Sex & the City was my lifestyle & it was great:)
The parties were glamorous, the all paid for holiday trips were everything a could could wish for and the sex...mmm well the sex was good,but I was never satisfied...On a deeper level,on a more emotional level I wanted more,I still wanted to be that little girl whowished for true love and my own happily ever after.

With much thought, with much soul searching and with an wanting to know God more I changed my ways and there after spent my time at home with my family.I stopped going out clubbing and drinking,I stopped all contact with old friens who still liv ed the Sex & the City lifestyle and I made a promise to myself that I would marry the man I am initmate with again, but until I would meet him I would be single to make sure that I am the woman a man would want to marry..

Now you may think that this was hard but in actual fact is was not.I am happy I made the decision I had. I also said that my next reltionship would be a honest one from both parties, that I would always work at it regardless of the tough times that sometimes get you down..I decided that I would put my faith and trust in God to prepare me to be the woman that God would want me to be be for the man he had in fact prepared for me.

I met that man in a place I least expected to meet,when I least expected it to happen!
I saw him and I emmediatly knew that he was the man I wanted to get to know.
After a full year of been single I walked up to him with full confidence in myself and informed him that I though he was gorgeous.Ill never forget that Look on his face, or that smile that made my heart pound ten times faster or the butterflies that had filled me with such excitement!

Afterwards I went back inside to find him staring at me withthe most incredibly gorgeous smile I had ever seen,I got goosebumps all over my body as I got even more excited by this mans attention. As I walked past him, he brush his hand over my waist and gently grabbed me by my waist and again he smiled at me with those magnificent eyes that captured my soul and I found myself bound to him with intense energy-I was a statue that couldtn move and after a few seconds of having been hypnotised by his soul I gently pulled back and asked for him to follow me.

We stepped out side, the summer air was warm but fresh on my heated skin.
I then asked him more about himself.He was reserved yet open enough for me to be let in to study him a bit more. I could feel the energy of his body so close to mine and it made me dizzy with magic-his magic.

We there after exchanged numbers and I we made contact the following day.
We arranged to meet midday. I was waiting for this awkward feeling but truth is when I was walking up to him I was so excited & nervous at the same time.
I sat across the table from him,although all I has desired was to be closer to him.The sun was in my eyes,he smiled at me with his gentle smile and invited me to sit closer to him away from the sunlight.I then knew he felt the same as what I had,and wanted what I had-to be closer.The warmth of his body brought comfort as the chilly air brushed over my skin,we spoke for hours and before we knew it the evening was drawing in.I felt a sadness in my heart as I knew it would be time for the date to be ending anytime soon,But he must have a read my mind as he then asked me to join him for dinner. How could I possible deny his request when all I wanted was to never say Goodbye.

After dinner we stepped outside onto the roof of thee 21 floor building, it over looked the entire city.The Dark night sky was brought to life with the beautiful city lights below and all around. He pulled me closer to him, I turned to face him as he drew me even closer with a tighter grip around my body.It was then at that moment I lost all sense of time, all sense of the world around us...I was lost in him and the way he drew me in with his kiss.

It was then when I knew God had sent me the man He prepared me for:)
Ill never stop working at our relationship or fighting for his love, and ill cry a thousand tears for him.All that I am belongs to him and I love him with all that I am .....THERE IS NO BETTER FEELING IN THE WORLD THAN KNOWING THE ONE YOU LOVES LOVES YOU JUST AS MUCH AND ITS WORTH EVERY BIT OF EFFORT:)

And they lived happily ever after -The End